Devlin Duldulao
Devlin Duldulao
Full-Stack Cloud Engineer at Inmeta

Devlin Duldulao

Devlin Duldulao, originally from the Philippines, is a full-stack cloud engineer in Norway. As a Microsoft MVP, he is a prolific trainer, conference speaker, and published book author who has dedicated his career to sharing his extensive knowledge. As a chief consultant at Inmeta, Devlin is passionate about staying current with the rapidly evolving tech industry. This has led him to delve into cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, GPT, and prompt engineering. Through his unwavering commitment to learning and empowering others, Devlin continues to impact the global technology community significantly.

2024 Přednášky

.NET Development with Analogjs & Remix: Meta Frameworks and BFF Design Pattern

Den  2

15 lis 2024
Hall D
9:15 - 10:15
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