Chad Green
Chad Green
Senior Software Architect at Jasper Engines

Chad Green

Chad Green, a seasoned Senior Software Architect at Jasper Engines & Transmissions, boasts a distinguished three-decades-long career in building customer-centric solutions. Currently leading the migration of legacy applications to cloud-native technologies, Chad's impactful career includes roles in the senior living, education, healthcare, government, financial, chemical, safety, and consumer goods industries. Beyond his professional pursuits, Chad is a dedicated community leader, having founded and led Code PaLOUsa for 13 years. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Developer Technologies and Azure, Chad's global influence extends to his active role in organizing meetups and speaking at national and international events. A proud father, loving husband, and a United States Marine Corps veteran, Chad channels his diverse interests into building intricate Lego sets and a detailed Lego city, showcasing his passion for innovation and attention to detail.

2024 Přednášky

Going Schema-less: How to migrate a relational database to a NoSQL database

Den  1

14 lis 2024
Hall A
13:45 - 14:45
Bude upřesněno

Azure Durable Functions for Serverless .NET Orchestration

Den  2

15 lis 2024
Hall D
12:30 - 13:30
Bude upřesněno

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