Erwin Staal
Erwin Staal
Azure Architect at Xpirit, Author of "Azure Infrastructure as Code"

Erwin Staal

Erwin Staal is an Azure Architect and DevOps consultant working for Xpirit in the Netherlands. Helping companies deliver their software to customers using DevOps practices and cloud-native architectures is what he loves to do. He believes in the power of both the monolith and microservices and prefers to run his workload on the Azure Cloud and/or Kubernetes. Besides the work he does for the customers of Xpirit, he has a passion for sharing knowledge. He is one of the authors of 'Azure Infrastructure as Code' (, occasionally writes a blog, and is an international speaker at conferences.

2021 Přednášky

Database-per-tenant architecture using .NET Core and Azure SQL Database

Den  1

18 lis 2021
Hall B
9:00 - 10:00
Bude upřesněno

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