Sam Vanhoutte
Sam Vanhoutte

Sam Vanhoutte

Sam is a Microsoft Azure MVP. As a technical advisor and investor at several cloud start-ups, he is involved in cloud-native architectures and focuses on Serverless technologies, the Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence. For seventeen years, he has been working as CTO at Codit, one of the leading European Microsoft cloud partners. In working together with Microsoft, Sam has extensive experience in building data-driven, integrated cloud-based solutions. Sam has been involved in several industrial IoT projects and has been contributing to the open-source Arcus project, focusing on the Machine Learning aspects. Sam is a frequent speaker at international events and is active in the Belgian and European Microsoft communities.

2020 Přednášky

Time traveling in the cloud. Time series analytics with Microsoft Azure.

Den  1

23 lis 2020
Track A
14:20 - 15:25
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

Vstupenku je možné převést na jinou osobu nebo stornovat. Při stornování vstupenky platí následující storno poplatky: