Filip W.
Filip W.

Filip W.

Filip is a popular .NET blogger, author, prolific open source contributor and a Microsoft MVP. Over the past few years, his blog has been one of the most popular ASP.NET resources on the internet. Filip specializes in the Roslyn compiler, cross platform .NET development, modern web technologies and is experienced in delivering robust web solutions. He worked on projects in many corners of the world (Canada, Switzerland, Finland, Poland, Scotland). Follow him on Twitter @filip_woj.

2018 Přednášky

Adapting ASP.NET Core MVC to your needs

Den  2

23 lis 2018
14:40 - 15:30
Bude upřesněno

C# Scripting in the .NET Core world

Den  2

23 lis 2018
17:10 - 18:00
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

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