Laurent Bugnion
Laurent Bugnion

Laurent Bugnion

I work as Senior Cloud Developer Advocate for Microsoft after almost 10 years spent working for IdentityMine and Valorem, two leading firms in Microsoft technologies. I am one of the foremost experts for XAML and C# based development. I code in Windows, WPF, Xamarin (iOS and Android), Unity, ASP.NET. On my free time, I write for technical publications such as MSDN Magazine, and my blog is on I am a frequent speaker at conferences such as Microsoft MIX, TechEd, VSLive, TechDays and many other international events. Prior to joining Microsoft, I was a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Windows development from 2007 to 2017, a Microsoft Regional Director from 2013 and a Xamarin Most Valuable Professional from 2015. I am also the author of the well-known open source framework MVVM Light for Windows, WPF, Xamarin, and of the popular Pluralsight reference course about MVVM Light.

2018 Přednášky

Porting MVVM Light to .NET Standard: Lessons learned

Den  2

23 lis 2018
14:40 - 15:30
Bude upřesněno

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