Program 2018
Všechny časy přednášek jsou ve středoevropském čase (UTC+1).
The Development Platform Landscape in 2018
Docker for .NET Developers
Top 18 Azure security fails and how to avoid them
Demystifying the Core of .NET Core
Understanding the Serverless platform in Microsoft Azure
Managing your Secrets in a Cloud Environment
Meet DotVVM: Web apps with just C# and HTML
Internals of Exceptions
Mapping DDD Domain Models with EF Core 2.1
A lap around Azure Machine Learning services
Immutable code in .NET
CosmosDB 101: Basics and quickstart
Monitoring real-life Azure applications: When to use what and why
Text and Sentiment Analysis with Headless CMS
Bulletproof Transient Error Handling with Polly
.NET Debugging tricks you wish you knew
8 Cloud Design Patterns you ought to know.
Running PHP apps on .NET Core
Yoga Time
Practical CQRS and Event Sourcing on Azure
Enable IoT with Edge Computing and Machine Learning
2ketodudes - Ketogenic Diet
Correcting Common Mistakes in Asynchronous .NET Code
From 'dotnet run' to 'Hello World!'
Deploy Web Core 2.0 application to Azure Container Service (AKS) using Kubernetes
Building Awesome 8-bit Adventure Games with Microsoft Bot Framework v4
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