Martin Zikmund
Martin Zikmund
Enthusiastic mobile + cloud developer, Microsoft MVP

Martin Zikmund

Martin is a freelance software developer and Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP. He specializes in architecting and building cross-platform mobile and cloud solutions on the Microsoft technology stack. Martin loves contributing to open-source, as it is a tremendous source of learning. You can also meet him on Stack Overflow, where he frequently helps other developers. To document his developer journey, Martin regularly writes posts on his blog at In spare time he likes to do lead climbing/bouldering, play squash, game on Xbox, read, and search for geocaches.

2024 Přednášky

How We Build a Cross-Platform Open-Source Framework in .NET

Den  2

15 lis 2024
Hall D
16:30 - 17:30
Bude upřesněno

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