Mabrouk Mahdhi
Mabrouk Mahdhi
Principal Software Engineer at B&O Service AG

Mabrouk Mahdhi

Mabrouk is a Principal Software Engineer at B&O Service AG and a Microsoft MVP. He specializes in .NET technologies, including Blazor, ASP.NET, and .NET MAUI. His expertise extends to developing powerful web applications, APIs, and robust databases. Mabrouk's contributions to the tech community are significant, not only through development but also through sharing his deep knowledge, which fosters collective growth and innovation. His book, 'Laughing at Null: A Humorous Guide to Software Life', offers a lighthearted yet insightful look into the world of software development.

2024 Přednášky

Code Complete: The Day AI Writes Your Next App!

Den  2

15 lis 2024
Hall B
16:30 - 17:30
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