#34 15 years of insights from a TDD practitioner

Unit Testing and its more proactive version Test Driven Development have both opponents as well as proponents. And I get why. It's not easy to do, and if you do it wrong, it hurts. I've shot myself in the feet more than once. But if you do it right, you'll never want to go back to a situation where you don't write tests for all your code. That's what let me to create Fluent Assertions and become the maintainer of ChillBDD. But TDD doesn't mean you really need to write all tests upfront. The reality is much more pragmatic than the books like you to believe. And this isn't just about test code. A big chunk (if not all) of unit testing and TDD is about designing your solution to be testable. In this talk I'll share everything I've learned over 15 years of practicing Test Driven Development.
Advanced DevOps & Testing

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