Magnus Mårtensson
Magnus Mårtensson
CEO of Loftysoft, Azure MVP & Microsoft Regional Director

Magnus Mårtensson

Magnus is the CEO of Loftysoft, a Microsoft Azure Most Valuable Professional since the start of Azure, and a Microsoft Regional Director. He is a consultant, architect, and product development lead, and of course an international speaker. Magnus travels the world for fun, to network and to mind share, and to passionately teach, learn, and experience. Passions include connecting with audiences and organizing conferences such as CloudBurst and GlobalAzure. Magnus loves good food, wine and company too. Come over at a conference and say hi!

2023 Přednášky

Dev & Test Environments in Azure finally fast, cheap, and somewhat easy

Den  2

24 lis 2023
9:00 - 10:00
Bude upřesněno

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