Loek Duys
Loek Duys
Cloud Architect & CTO at Xebia NL

Loek Duys

I am CTO at Xebia Microsoft Services NL, Cloud architect, and Microsoft Azure MVP, helping companies modernize their IT all the way; Cloud strategy, SecDevOps practices, and Continuous Delivery. I spend most of my days helping teams by providing advice, hands-on assistance, solving problems and delivering technical training. A couple of times per year, I like to speak at international conferences and to provide workshops. By being a consultant, international speaker, trainer, active contributor to open-source projects, and forum participant, I love to share knowledge with the community. Some of my recent public speaking & workshop engagements: - NDC London - Techorama NL - KCDC USA - DevSum Stockholm - NDC Oslo - VISUG XL Belgium - MS Dev Summit Warsaw - DevConf Krakow - ESPC Prague - Container Days Hamburg - DevDays Europe Vilnius Want to know more? Send me a message on Twitter: @LDuys

2023 Přednášky

Five things every developer should know about modern identity platforms

Den  1

23 lis 2023
9:00 - 10:00
Bude upřesněno

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