Konrad Kokosa
Konrad Kokosa
Author of the Pro .NET Memory Management book

Konrad Kokosa

Author of the Pro .NET Memory Management book. Programming for over a dozen years, solving performance problems and architectural puzzles in the .NET world, speeding up web applications. Independent consultant, blogger, speaker and fan of Twitter. He also shares his passion as a trainer in the area of .NET, especially about application performance and diagnostics. Microsoft MVP in the Visual Studio and Development Tools category. Co-founder of https://dotnetos.org initiative.

2023 Přednášky

How .NET performance change my life?

Den  1

23 lis 2023
16:30 - 17:30
Bude upřesněno

Unveiling the 'Ref-World': Leveraging Ref Variables for .NET Performance

Den  2

24 lis 2023
13:45 - 14:45
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

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