#46 Turbocharged: Writing High-Performance C# and .NET Code

In this session, you'll learn how to write C# code which executes faster and allocates less. This session is packed with practical examples and demos of where the latest high-performance APIs and language features can be applied in your applications.

During this session, we'll apply types such as Span and Memory to efficiently process data and to parse strings. We'll examine System.IO.Pipelines, offering high-performance I/O and we'll utilise ArrayPool to help reduce GC allocations. In .NET Core 3.0, we have new high-performance JSON APIs which we'll also add to our arsenal. Microsoft has made fantastic performance gains to the .NET Core framework; now it's time to apply them to your code!

We'll begin by discussing when and why performance matters in your applications. You'll learn how to measure your code, and use a data-driven approach to focus your optimisations.

These features can seem complicated, unapproachable and difficult to apply. In this session, Steve introduces high-performance newcomers to the features, showing you how they work, where they can be applied and how to measure performance improvements in your code.

This talk is for developers, who like Steve, are ready to begin their journey towards writing faster .NET code, which allocates less.
Advanced .NET

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