Tamir Dresher
Tamir Dresher
System Architect, Payoneer

Tamir Dresher

Tamir Dresher is a software architect with over 10 years of experience of developing, consulting and teaching large scalable distributed systems. Tamir is a System Architect at Payoneer and teach Software Engineering at the Ruppin Academic Center. Tamir is a prominent member of the Israeli developer community where he leads the Israeli chapter of IASA, the Software Architects Forum by IsraelClouds and the online technology show “Telescopim”. He is the author of the books “Rx.NET in Action" and "Hands-On Full-Stack Web Development with ASP.NET Core" and speaks frequently at conferences and meetup. He blogs at www.tamirdresher.com and you can reach out to him via Twitter @tamir_dresher.

2018 Přednášky

Demystifying the Core of .NET Core

Den  1

22 lis 2018
10:10 - 11:00
Bude upřesněno

.NET Debugging tricks you wish you knew

Den  1

22 lis 2018
14:40 - 15:30
Bude upřesněno

Storno podmínky.

Vstupenku je možné převést na jinou osobu nebo stornovat. Při stornování vstupenky platí následující storno poplatky: