Richard Campbell
Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell wrote his first line of code in 1977. His career has spanned the computing industry both on the hardware and software sides, development and operations. He was a co-founder of Strangeloop Networks, acquired by Radware in 2013 and was on the board of directors of Telerik which was acquired by Progress Software in 2014. Today he is a consultant and advisor to a number of successful technology firms and is the founder and chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox (, a public charity that builds open source software for disaster relief. Richard is also the host of two podcasts: .NET Rocks! ( which publishes three shows a week to .NET developers and RunAs Radio ( which is a weekly show for IT Professionals.

2018 Přednášky

The Development Platform Landscape in 2018

Den  1

22 lis 2018
9:00 - 9:50
Bude upřesněno

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